Harnessing the Power of Full Moon Passion

For centuries, our ancestors have studied the moon for various reasons. They found out very early that the moon has a great influence on human beings and the surrounding environment. Primarily, it helped them figure out the best time to cultivate crops. With passing years, it was determined that the full moon madness affected human … Read more

Full Moon Madness and Human Relationships

For decades, the full moon has been linked to suicidal things, crime, and various other ill activities. On a positive note, it’s believed that a full moon also bears the seeds of success and many other fruitful things. People tend to invest in stocks for quick returns; women are believed to be more fertile, and … Read more

Does the full moon influence your sexual life?

  Does the full moon influence our sexual life? It’s no secret to learn that some species of animals mate during the full moon phase for successful breeding. It’s understood that the full moon leads these creatures to begin mating. In other words, the full moon serves as a signal for the animals. Does the … Read more

What is the Harvest Moon

The moon appears every night and every day, each looking the same, but the truth is there are different kinds of moons. Have you ever wondered why you sometimes see a full moon and sometimes look up at night and notice a half moon? Do you know that there are different kinds of full moon? … Read more

The Importance of the full moon

Looking up at the sky on some melancholy nights, I sometimes can’t help but wonder why the moon is half today and full another night. Do you, too? It isn’t your eye deceiving you; it’s the real deal. The full moon occurs when the whole moon passes through the earth’s shadow, and the lunar eclipse … Read more

How Does The Full Moon Affect Us?

  For centuries, the moon has been a mystery to humans. It has been symbolized as depicting the beauty of a woman, romance, night, horror, and evil. In this article, I have researched how the moon affects us, our behavior, and our thoughts. The moon in the Zodiac is the ruler of the sun sign, … Read more