Does the full moon influence your sexual life?


Does the full moon influence our sexual life? It’s no secret to learn that some species of animals mate during the full moon phase for successful breeding. It’s understood that the full moon leads these creatures to begin mating. In other words, the full moon serves as a signal for the animals. Does the full moon have a similar effect on the sexual life of human beings? This is a question that truly deserves great attention. Although the full moon’s influence on human fertility has been accepted, it’s still subjected to much debate. After all, how can human beings turn more romantic and sexual during the full moon phase?

How Lunar Energy Influences Romance and Sexuality

For the most part, the full moon’s influence on our sexual life has been linked to the internal changes that a person undergoes during the full moon phase. It has been observed that aggression, anxiety, and romance are at their peak during the full moon phase. So, the connection of the full moon with our sexual life is mental for the most part. Also, hormone changes are connected with the lunar cycle. So, does the hormonal change drive the sexual beast inside a person?

The Full Moon’s Energy and Its Role in Passion and Imagination

Perhaps it’s the combination of mental and hormonal changes that influence the sexual life of human beings. Not to forget the fact that a person’s passion and drive towards sex also play a significant role over here because the power of a person’s imagination and fantasies cannot be undermined on all accounts. When combined with the mystic power of a full moon, a romantic relationship attains a new high. So, the energy derived from the full moon can have a great influence on human beings. Witches are also known to cast magical spells during the full moon phase to help a person improve his/her sexual life. Chances are that a benefiting person might feel that the sexual beast is trying to escape from within because of the newly derived energy from the full moon.

Your Personal Moon Reading

The Full Moon and Its Role in Feminine Energy and Desire

Recent reports have also unveiled that a woman’s body undergoes significant changes during the full moon cycle. These changes are meant to prepare a woman for reproduction. It’s believed that the moon provides great sexual energy to a woman to fulfill the desire that a woman has at the back of her mind. In the past, a woman’s period was matched with the moon cycles. A woman would have her period during the new moon and attain great fertility during the full moon phase. Therefore, a woman gets horny during the full moon phase. So, all the beliefs and studies do suggest that the full moon influences our sexual life.

Romance, Reality, and the Full Moon’s True Impact

Interestingly, most of the studies on the full moon and its influence on sexual life surround women and not men. Nonetheless, planned sex is not always possible. Neither can one compel their partner for forced sex just because it’s a full moon phase. Also, one doesn’t really wait for the full moon phase to experience sex. It may sound erotic to have sexual intercourse based on calendar events. Whether or not the full moon influences our sexual life, there are other influential factors than the full moon that determine how successful our sexual life would be. So, the moon’s influence on our love life depends hugely on us rather than on the moon itself. Nevertheless, possibilities are high that more romantic and sensual thoughts may come into our minds during the full moon phase. However, at the end of the day, reality is still a subject of further examination.

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