Simple strategies to understand, manage, and prevent panic attacks.
Recognizing Panic Attack Symptoms
Your beat speeds up, your eyes widen, your chest tightens, and you have difficulty breathing. These are well-known anxiety attack symptoms. But is there a therapy for panic attacks or even simple tips that can relieve the symptoms?
Understanding the Nature of Anxiety Attacks
The best approach to finding a therapy for these symptoms is to understand the nature of anxiety attacks. So, let us begin.
Childhood Fears
Each person has their own set of fears. As a youngster, you can be afraid of bogeymen under the bed or monsters that visit you in hours of darkness.
Teenage Anxieties
As teenagers, you experience some anxiety on your first day of school or before an important exam.
Anxiety in Adulthood
Does Anxiety disappear with age? The answer is no. The experience of anxiety does not stop when one grows up.
Adult Fears and Uncertainty
Surely, adults are no longer frightened of witches like in the early days, but fear takes on a different look. For most adults, anxiety springs when things one values are menaced: a family member becomes ill, you lose your work, etc. Anxiety can, moreover, spring from uncertainty: moving to a different place, a work interview, or an important presentation. In these situations, people may feel weak and may react to this experience of not being in control by having a panic attack.
What is a Panic Attack?
A panic attack is a signal of hopelessness and a simple call for help.
How to Prevent Panic Attacks
Vent Your Emotions
To keep away from these anxiety attacks, the first thing you must do is stop yourself from attaining the tipping point of hopelessness. Many people keep their emotions inside and refuse to vent them until they are ready to burst out. The key thing to recall here is that it is all right to communicate how you feel. It is all right to feel aggravated. It is okay to cry. Talk to your friends or significant other about the way you feel. To keep you from having an anxiety attack, it is essential to let some of the stress go. So, give vent to your emotions.
Take Time to Relax
An additional suggestion is to relax whenever you feel your stress levels are reaching a boiling point. If you feel your stress levels are getting close to the boiling point, give yourself a break. Do something that will help you to relax.
What to Do During a Panic Attack
This can vary from having a bubble bath to doing yoga, receiving a massage, or boxing. Drink some chamomile tea (a well-known antidote to stress).
Breathe and Stay Calm
When you are already having an attack, remind yourself to breathe. Take deep, even breaths in and out.
Hydrate and Seek Support
Get yourself a glass of water and drink gradually. And call anybody for help.
Perspective is Key
Finally, it is good to remember that whatever you are going through or feeling at the moment will go by. It will vanish bit by bit.
Challenges Take Time
Just like your infancy fears of bogeymen dissipated in the morning, so will the issues of today disappear gradually in the future. Of course, your problems might not sort themselves out in a day, but remember that Rome was not built in a day, either.
Surround Yourself with Support
Keep yourself optimistic. Most importantly, surround yourself with loving and supportive people who will help you through your most challenging times.
This, along with keeping positive, relaxing, and venting to your feelings, will cure any panic attack that might threaten to overwhelm you.