Spell to be forgiven
. Spell to be forgiven
Parchment paper
A list of the vices you need forgiveness for
A ribbon
A red candle
A purple candle
A black candle
Cinnamon powder
Sandalwood powder
Blue Nile incense
Write the list of vices on to a parchment paper. Tie up the parchment with a ribbon. Light the red, purple and black candles and place them in a triangular formation. Place the cauldron in the centre. Light a flame in the cauldron and throw in some cinnamon powder. A small explosion will follow. After this, add in the Blue Nile incense to the cauldron. Add the sandalwood powder in the end. Once you have added these ingredients add the parchment paper. While adding this paper remember to say the following lines,
“O fire king of the bright skies
To thee these vices I bring
Help me seek the fruit of forgiveness
And thy praises I shall forever sing”
Keep repeating this until the fire burns out and nothing remains at the bottom. Collect the ashes and spread them at the base of a rose bush planted near the window.
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