Compatibility between Cancer woman and Cancer man

Discover how two natives of the Cancer Zodiac Sign match together

Cancer natives are sensitive people, and are very kind-hearted. They are ready to give a helping hand to people around them who may be in need for help. Their moods swing with the moon’s transition stages and can be very extreme under hard conditions. When it comes to dealing with another individual who belongs to the Cancer zodiac sign, the emotions of the Crab are really deep. They are even more insightful when dealing with each other and can be offended easily by a hasty word or an indifferent attitude. However, when two Cancer persons get into a relationship, they are often prone to be inseparable. Their temperaments also swing on the same plane, and thus they make a very well-matched couple.

The relationship between two Cancer natives is based on a high degree of intimacy, stability, trust and love. On one hand, they are often protective and very cautious about each other’s safety. On the other hand, both of the Cancer lovers are bound to have extreme mood changes at some point or other, and owing to their aspect of stubbornness, little can be done to lighten the atmosphere. They are often prone to expect impossible levels of love from their partner and this makes their union a little difficult at times. Cancers either make the best pair, or their pair can be a complete failure when it comes to a relationship with each other. Either their love match is just unmistakeably perfect, or it is completely filled with misunderstandings that will definitely pull down the relationship tomorrow, if not today.

However, two Cancer natives can, at will, decide which way they want their relationship to progress. In times of extreme emotional exchanges, one lover has to realise reality and must compromise and steer the situation out of disaster. If this does not happen, the relationship is definitely poised to go into a no-rescue mode. Cancerians in particular must be very cautious when there are few hiccups here and there, as little things might induce bigger and more disastrous results.

One feature of this love match is that they share the same positive characteristics and habits, as well as the negative aspects of their personality. If this similarity is not countered in the initial stages of the relationship, the start will be tough. Cancerians are bound to get very possessive about each other, and as love deepens between them, expectations also can get higher and higher. To be a successful Cancerian couple, a pragmatic, patient and mature outlook towards each other is required. If this is achieved, every day will be a warm, sunny day!


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