Compatibility between Taurus and Cancer

Find out how the Taurus and Cancer Zodiac Signs match together

The love match between a Cancer and a Taurus is anything but less than perfect. Both of these two zodiac signs would rather have a relaxed night in the comfort of their home than in the hustle and bustle of a mall or movie hall. They would prefer to have a nice dinner and snuggle up inside a blanket on their special nights. The company and exclusive loving attention of one is more important to the other than anything else. Both of these zodiac signs will not care about their neighbours and friends when they have their intimate moments; this nature may render them to be an antisocial couple.

However, the couple can brave any trouble that the world decides to impress upon them thanks to the Taurus qualities, as he will be the one to provide security, and at the same time be sensitive to the needs of his partner. On the other hand, the Cancer lover will keep the match grounded. The Crab will make sure that the family stays together and that everyone is socially involved in the couple. Both will evoke the finest qualities of each other and the differences will almost be ignored in the dreamy couple. The Cancer and the Taurus will almost always be delighted when in the company of one another and a sense of insecurity can be detected whenever one of the lovers is away. A sense of loss prevails and both crave for each other.

Taurus Woman and Cancer Man

Faith and love will abound in their home as none of the Taurus or Cancer are prone to wandering. The Cancer woman’s caring nature will provide them with a cosy home, which is a luxury the Taurus man always wanted and will surely appreciate. On the other hand, the Cancer woman will never get bored in the relationship for the Taurus man will amuse her in many ways. Their love life will be high on intimacy and adventure thanks to the Taurus man’s personality. He will be the complete man, providing safety, while the Cancer woman will be the perfect wife for him.

Taurus Man and Cancer Woman

The union between the Taurus woman and the Cancer man might be the perfect love match. The temperamental Cancer man will be kept in control by the sensitive and tactful Taurus woman. He will be faithful and trustworthy in every way and she will provide him with the loving surroundings he always wanted. Their support for each other is undoubting. There is no lack of intimacy in this relationship. Both of these zodiac signs fond of the more basic things in life and are happy sharing each other’s space. Family and friends form the back bone of their blissful union and they look for nothing else than each other’s company.


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