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The Taurus man love personality

Learn how to attract and keep with you the Taurus man you love

General love traits of the Taurus man

Enjoying life as a whole, the Taurus man also likes love. Sensual, he despises the men who do not make efforts to give a woman all the pleasure she expects from a man. The Taurus man behaves with women like he would play harp - with fervor, efficiency, gratitude ... Love occupies an important place in his life.

In his youth, the Taurus man somewhat hovers with greed and an insatiable curiosity. And then one day he decides to build a family. And on this chapter, he is not kidding. He makes his choice carefully, without unnecessary haste: the Taurus man weighs pros and cons before he finally takes his decision and chose the woman he will share his life with. If there are obstacles, he’s able to work hard to overcome these problems. His wife and his children are sacred to the Taurus man.

The Taurus man is capable of much effort when it comes to deserve happiness, and he will be asking his lover reciprocate determination. The Taurus man is one of the few men able to overcome his selfishness and pride to serve his wife with courage. Endlessly, he seeks to make his wife’s life as comfortable as possible. In exchange, he asks her to give herself to him, to be devoted and to be faithful.

My advices to seduce, date, and keep the Taurus man

“Duration and stability”: this could be the motto of the native of Taurus. Deeply hostile to what is ephemeral, superficial, this man is tenacious, persevering, and he builds his happiness step by step, day after day. Realistic, lucid, also suspicious, he knows very well how to make allowances and attaches importance to real values. If you try to dazzle him, he will simply turn his back! In order to make your union with a Taurus man sustainable, you must bet on the authenticity and quality of your relationship. Moreover, with the tangibility that characterizes him, he always seeks to be useful and helpful. The Taurus man wants to protect you and make you enjoy your experience with him. He wants to feel indispensable for you. If you try to play with him the card of autonomy and independence, don’t be surprised if it keeps him away from you!

Also, remember that sensuality plays a crucial role for this voluptuous and fleshy creature the Taurus man is. If there is not a profound physical understanding between you two, serious problems will occur sooner or later in your relationship. Moreover the Taurus man is extremely possessive. Be careful not to reinforce his desire to exercise a tyrannical power due to his hate for unfaithfulness. If you want to discover how an angry Taurus is, then tickle his jealousy!

The Taurus man will ask you to care and look after his children, to feed them decently and to respect his tastes. However, the Taurus man is an easy-going person. He is an exhilarating companion, talkative in his moments of euphoria, especially when he shares a nice dinner in good company and with wine flowing down his glass. But when he is in a bad mood or when he sulks, it is not easy to cheer him up. Better to wait until his negative mood stops and, to save time, make the first step when he begins to relax and calm down.

If you have a "past" and had men who counted for you before him, you better not mention that in front of him, what he may say!