Compatibility between Leo and Scorpio

Find out how the Leo and Scorpio Zodiac Signs match together

A love match between Leo and Scorpio is more than anything else a powerful one. These two zodiac signs are resolute and proud and each is as stubborn as the other. The binding force between these two zodiac signs is their distinctively strong personality which incidentally is also the precise thing which tears them apart! This is to say that a Scorpio and a Leo get inclined towards each other because of their distinct determination, devotion to commitment and firm will power. These strong personality traits tend to make them dogmatic and opinionated which does not allow them to regard the other person’s point of view. This is the base of the imminent problems between a Leo and a Scorpio. Another problem worth considering is the reciprocated jealousy as both parties are very popular with the opposite sex. This provides more room for trouble in paradise.

Moreover, the Scorpio would have liked the Leo to have greater amounts of emotion and intenseness. In addition, much to the dismay of the Leo, the Scorpio finds it hard to shower him with lavish compliments. The romantic relationship between these two zodiacs would last as long as neither controls the other. Besides, the Leo and Scorpio love match has the potential to rule the world! The stability of power is the principal factor to be monitored.

Leo Woman and Scorpio Man

The zodiac love combination of a Leo man and a Scorpio woman is usually bound to be arduous in the long run. They possess similar temperaments but very unusual personalities. The Leo man is on the lookout for passionate fiery romance, vigour, enthusiasm and fervent fantasy. On the other hand, a Scorpio woman seeks profoundness and stability in a romantic relationship. To the disappointment of the Leo man, the Scorpio woman does not appreciate public displays of affection of any form. Their bellicose and agro personalities will tend to dispute every now and then which would not serve a pretty and peaceful relationship. However, if the Scorpio woman and the Leo man are ready to work the relationship out, this love match can be a good one.

Leo Man and Scorpio Woman

A Scorpio man’s patience is definitely not his winning glory. A Leo woman is all too habituated to throw tantrums, which does not go down in good taste with the Scorpio man. He is not visibly affectionate and the Leo woman would not be able to deliver the intensity and profoundness the Scorpio man seeks in a relationship. Each has an incorrigible urge to dominate and control events, and neither can stand to be subdued. The only key for the Scorpio man and the Leo woman to share their life together seems to be that each should compromise their domineering nature and try to pacify fiery situations.


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