Compatibility between Leo woman and Leo man

Discover how two natives of the Leo Zodiac Sign match together

Are there any specific ways to identify a Leo? Yes, indeed. A typical Leo will always be bursting with high-voltage energy and verve to get into action. Interestingly though, there is a striking difference in their behaviour patterns depending upon the situation they are in. While in a group, by being sweet and smart, a Leo will electrify the whole atmosphere and will enthral everyone around him. Synonymous to the zodiac’s symbol of a Lion, Leo natives automatically assume the leadership of the group they are part of. But one has to be wary of their temperament; being self-important and too conscious of their doings, Leos will be ready to perform any tricks to keep the crowd hooked to them.

This is the general personality of a lone Leo. What if there are two of them and what will come out of their love match? Though friendly and fond of company, Leos will not be ready to let the other person take the centre stage and will constantly look for ways to knock the other off. Consequently, vying with each other to be the epicentre of all action and adventure, the two Leos will prefer to get rid of the other in order to prove their supremacy.

However, contrary to their individual behaviour, Leos get involved in relationships seriously. They judge relationships based on the degree of commitment and on the sense of belonging their partners display. Luvvy-duvvy, extremely romantic, and mushy, Leos are the kinds who are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved one. With such emotional types, expectations between Leo partners are very high and may lead to a break-up if they are not fulfilled. If the unspoken agreement of loyalty is breached by either of them, then such a situation is sure to spurt conflicts; all the love and romance will be effaced and a power war will take place. But how can a relationship thrive without neither of them yielding to adjust and adapt? It will work only if the couple tries to sort the problems out between themselves, forthcoming to gauge its depth and then forgive and forget.

The outcome of two Leos’ relationship is either very intimate or completely smashed. If both Leos are affable and understanding, then the relationship remains enduringly sweet. Such couples posses the power to conquer the whole world. If both of them continue to be tough on their stands, then it will undoubtedly lead to destruction. However, given the lovable facet of the Leo personality, consistency can definitely be established. The steely will and tenacity acts as both a binding and splitting feature in their relationships.


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