Compatibility between Gemini woman and Gemini man

Discover how two natives of the Gemini Zodiac Sign match together

What happens when a Gemini native meets another Gemini? You get a dose of pep, punch and spirit with heaps of enjoyable time spent together! Both partners are vivacious, intelligent, fun loving people who find doing one thing for too long disinteresting. They are always on the look out for something new to do or experience and enjoy having a good time. Two Gemini natives in a relationship can keep each other entertained for a long time and can have varied, interesting, and provoking conversations and debates.

Both individuals, though they might initially have got together because of their love for change and the want to do something exciting, will soon miss a normal paced life. It is difficult to find a solution to this problem because, if their lives are not adventurous and hectic, it will become too boring and expected – something Gemini cannot deal with. Even outside their relationships, Gemini will find it difficult to occupy a permanent slot in their professional or personal life. This personality trait of the Gemini tends to tilt the balance in a relationship, especially when there are differences of opinion. It doesn’t make it any easier on either partner since both are more practical than romantic, which might upset the congenial relations between the partners

If both Gemini lovers are looking for intellectual conversations, witticism and playing word games, there can’t be a better love match. But if they intend to have a deeper, more serious relationship, then they must be careful. Emotional fulfillment will be difficult for two Gemini in a relationship as they would be too busy chasing adventures and having a good time to actually take their relationships to a deeper and more serious level.

Though both partners will hold each other in enchantment, they will have a natural tendency to flirt with members of the opposite sex, which invariably result in jealousy and mistrust. This will get in the way of their relationship and there might even be a fall out between partners due to lack of courtship and sentimentality. In this relationship between two Gemini persons, both partners will have to give and take. They must hear what their partner has to say, give them a leeway to make their decisions and to accept their lover’s wills. Finally, both partners must be more devoted and faithful to each other in order to make this love match successful.


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