The Aquarius woman love personality

Learn how to attract and keep with you the Aquarius woman you love

General love traits of the Aquarius woman

Due to the Aquarius woman’s personality, the contradictions become intractable. By nature, she considers love as something very important in her life, but she is quite changeable in her impulses and her affections because she does not support constraints or monotony. The Aquarius woman also needs a great communion of ideas with her lover to flourish in a relationship: and so, if her partner does not continually stimulate her, she will inevitably be less interested in this union. Indeed, if she managed more often to know what she wants, her love life would be undeniably happier. When she has found the ideal partner, the Aquarius woman loves with sincerity, at least that’s what she believes. But she is so afraid to alienate her independence that when it comes to commitment, she always finds excuses to escape, even if this has to make her sad.

Hence, the Aquarius woman has a choice to make between love affairs without overnights, charming adventures that do not satisfy the deepest aspirations of her heart, or impossible love for clearly inaccessible men. The latter will provide her the full range of emotions to which she aspires, without fearing of being caught in their nets.

However, when she is attached, the Aquarius woman becomes the most charming, the most comprehensive and the most tolerant partner. She is capable of great devotion when her passions are affected, even when the object of her flame does not deserve such love and dedication.

The celibacy status does not displease her; actually it’s quite the contrary! She then intends to take full advantage of this situation, since it serves both to preserve her precious freedom and to flee from loneliness. However, this type of existence cannot be hers indefinitely, and the Aquarius woman will one day or another start to be in search of a man that will establish with her profound relations of complicity. Last, she will always prefer cohabitation to marriage.

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My advices to seduce, date, and keep the Aquarius woman

Of all the zodiac signs, the Water Bearer is probably the hardest to win! Under its libertarian and indifferent airs, the Aquarius woman is an idealist who has indeed a very high idea of love.

Beware: the Aquarius woman can be easily dragged into an adventure, but this does not prevent her from leaving quietly the next morning as if nothing happened, and then she may treat you as a friend and not as a lover! In order to make the adventure last more than a day, here’s a tip: be the first to break-up. Act as if you were indifferent and jaded. Surprised and intrigued, the Aquarius woman will want you back.

Even after several years of common life, you are still to be surprised by some of the reactions of your Aquarius woman. It’s because the Aquarius zodiac sign has a multi-faceted personality, and is often unpredictable. Original, anti-conformist, the woman of this sign rejects the restrictive social rules and taboos.

Do not ask her to lead a conventional love life, or to worry about what that-will say. Do not take the risk to awake her provocative trends. Nothing could stop her!

To retain this crazy freedom lover, make her life easy. Deliver her from the financial worries and domestic duties, and do not complain or criticize her. Moreover, pay attention to avoid too sweltering links: sooner or later, your Aquarius woman would seek to release from this restraining relationship. This is where you have to be the most vigilant if you want to save your marriage, because the Aquarius woman will not tolerate any infringement to her freedom.


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