Doing a ceremony for the first time can be confusing and intimidating… “I offer an exclusive opportunity to have it done by me. I will make sure to perform it with excellence! Others who had my spell cast would be jealous if they knew I was offering this to you. I’ll let you decide within the next hour. ““This is the best way to ensure that your spell’s chance of success skyrockets! A failed ceremony could backfire on you and leave you worse off than you were before!”
PROFESSIONAL CEREMONIAL ASSISTANCE – 20 USD (one time, non-refundable donation).
* Higher success rate of the spell
* No side-effects
* Done by a professional
* Feel relaxed and relieved, knowing it was done correctly
* Almost free
* Be one step closer to your dreams being fulfilled!
* Blessing of the materials
Use the donation button below to send 20 USD. AFTER you donated, please email me here: “ ”

Terms of service: This service is only for the ceremony itself. It is a non-refundable donation. The ceremony I do for you will ensure that you connect to the spirit Gjoub who will help you be in sync with the spell I cast. This donation has nothing to do with the spell itself. Having the ceremony done by me doesn’t imply that I will offer any consulting or updating regarding the spell that was cast. My time is very precious, and I have many to help. Thank you for understanding!