
The voting has ended. Best Spell caster in 2008 was….

The counts have been done
I got around 3000 emails from clients of different spell casters. So I had to manually check them. It was many long nights spent sorting out good and bad spell casters. I found out that there are 3 spell casters to stay away from.

And I found out that there is 3 spell casters that had more success then others. Many who wrote to me gave detailed information and that helped me to understand more about your problem and the best ways to solve it.

How was your 2008?
How did things turn out for you in 2008? Many who used my offer to have a free spell cast, got some excellent results. Others are in need of something more powerful. This is why I emailed you about 2 weeks ago asking to hear about the clients opinion. The best way is to ask, those who used spell casters in 2008, who they found helpful and can recommend it to others, just like you!

I will present the spell casters who got the most votes and one of the positive comments they received.

1. – Maya magick spells, got 38% of the votes.

“I always heard so much good about the shamans who did Maya magic and spells. I once went to Central America to meet one, and it was an incredible experience where the shaman removed a curse that was laid on me years ago. I felt so free for the first time in years! A big relief. I then, 3 months ago, found and was thrilled that I could use a Maya shaman again to help me in my life. This time I got help in reuniting with my ex. The spell was not too expensive and gave such fast results… Highly recommended!” Patrick Stevenson, Houston, USA.

2. – Native American Magick spells, got 16% of the votes.
“As a deeply spiritual man, I found the magick of the Native Americans a natural way of solving all my problems. The service I got from was the best I have ever had. Many spell casters have failed to produce full results and have also lacked personal, deep caring responses. This is the best site so far!” Tina Everest, San Francisco, USA

3. – Egyptian magic spells, got 10% of the votes.
“I always was interested in the powers of the Egyptians. Since much of today’s magick spells have their origins in this culture, I found it natural to try it. I never regret it for one moment! My spell gave me the results I desired and I could see signs as early as 2 weeks. Then it only got better and better. This is a true success story!” Kevin, Birmingham, UK

The rest were votes for 25 other sites, that is no point in showing, as we were looking for the best ones in 2008.

I wish you all the best in 2009 and I hope you have such success in the spells as the above 3 examples.

High-Priestess Doris

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