full moon spell casting

The Potency of the Blue Supermoon

Blue Supermoon: An Astral Convergence on August 30, 2023

As we stand on the cusp of August, the universe has a mesmerizing celestial treat in store for us — a Blue Supermoon. If you have ever felt the palpable energy of the full moon, amplifying emotions and sharpening intuition, then imagine this energy supercharged. The upcoming full moon on August 30th, 2023, isn’t just any full moon; it’s a Blue Supermoon. For the uninitiated, let’s delve into the cosmic significance of this event.

The Enigma of the Full Moon

Every full moon is a time of culmination, reflecting the climax of the moon’s 28-day lunar cycle. It’s a period where the energies of the universe converge, offering a potent time for rituals, reflection, and spell casting. It is believed that the gravitational pull of the full moon affects the tides, and given that humans are about 60% water, this pull also tugs at our emotions, heightening sensitivity.

The Allure of the Supermoon

A Supermoon occurs when the moon is at its closest point to the Earth during its orbit, making it appear significantly larger and brighter in the night sky. This closeness not only magnifies its physical appearance but also amplifies its energetic influence.

The Rarity of the Blue Moon

Despite its name, a Blue Moon isn’t necessarily blue. It’s a term used to describe the second full moon in a calendar month with two full moons. What makes the Blue Moon special is its rarity. The phrase “once in a blue moon” signifies an event that doesn’t happen often.

On August 30th, these three elements converge, creating the Blue Supermoon, an event rarer than a blue moon. The last time we witnessed this astral phenomenon was in 2018, and we won’t see another until 2037. It’s an alignment that brings with it a deluge of energy, perfect for manifesting desires, renewing intentions, and casting powerful spells.

Cast spells during the Blue Supermoon

For those who practice spell casting or are simply looking to harness the universe’s energy, the Blue Supermoon offers a uniquely potent time. The amalgamation of energies — from the full moon’s reflective nature, the supermoon’s amplified force, and the blue moon’s rarity — creates an atmosphere brimming with potential.

If you have previously attempted a wealth spell or any intention-setting ritual that hasn’t borne fruit, this Blue Supermoon might just be the catalyst you need. Such rare cosmic alignments have been revered by sages and mystics throughout history as times when the veil between realms is thinnest, making it an opportune moment to recast, rekindle, and recharge your intentions.

In conclusion, whether you’re a seasoned spell caster or simply someone looking to tap into the universe’s rhythm, mark your calendar for August 30th, 2023. Let the energy of the Blue Supermoon guide you, illuminate your path, and amplify your deepest intentions. Remember, moments like these are rare, so harness its power while you can.

Embrace the energy. Harness the power. Cast your spell under the Blue Supermoon.

High-priestess Doris

full moon spell casting

Super Spells Cast during a Blue Moon

The week of the Blue Moon will be particularly special to take advantage of the energy of this moon to ask for protection, love, abundance, and well-being in every way. It is a strong Moon, an “extra” Moon that brings us this year that, without a doubt, has been very complex for all of us.

During this Blue Moon, physical energy is quickly renewed, although the moment can also be accompanied by more significant agitation and, sometimes, insomnia, so some cultures recommend having guidance in the form of a shaman, spell caster, or spiritual master to help to manage these energies.

This full Blue Moon is also considered favorable for meditation, spell casting, and different rituals.

As always, expert shamans and spiritual masters recommend that the Blue Moon rituals are carried out by a professional who will be the most competent to deal with all the power that this moon bestows.

What is a blue moon?

Contrary to what one might think after its name, the term blue moon has no relation to the color of the satellite, that is, the Moon, which is the only natural satellite Earth has.

The term Blue Moon refers to the succession of two full moons within the same calendar month or four full moons in the same season, something that happens approximately every three years. As mentioned in the specialized astronomical magazines, there may be two full moons in the same month because the full moon cycle is approximately every 29.5 days, so if the full moon occurs on the first day or the second of that month, there is a probability that a second full moon will appear in the last days, what we would call a blue moon.

But the name of the phenomenon is not related to the actual color of the natural satellite. The moon does not look blue. As a matter of fact, it still looks its usual shade. However, NASA explains that “very rarely” can occur “blue-tinted moons” due to the presence of certain particles caused by natural disasters. “In 1883, an Indonesian volcano called Krakatoa had an eruption so large that scientists compared it to a 100-megaton nuclear bomb. Much ash from the Krakatoa explosion rose into the atmosphere.” The ash particles were about 1 micron in size, so they could scatter red light and act as a blue filter. Consequently, the moon turned blue in the years after the Krakatoa explosion. Likewise, the BBC detailed that there were also reports of blue moons in Mexico in 1983, after the El Chichón volcano eruption, and in Washington state in 1980, after the Mount Santa Helena eruption.

How was “blue moon” coined?

But going back to the actual term, the question that arises after having established that “Blue Moon” doesn’t come from its color is about the origin of such a definition. As a matter of fact, there are several theories about that name.

Some historians claim that the term “Blue Moon” first appeared in writing in the 16th century, according to folklore expert Phillip Hiscock, a professor at Memorial University in Newfoundland, who traced the phrase’s meaning through the centuries. He noted that “Cardinal Wolsey writes about his intellectual enemies who ‘would make you believe the moon is blue.'”

Understand that calling the moon blue was declaring an absurdity. “The phrase was kind of a metaphor for absurdity or impossibility,” Hiscock said. From that moment on, the term took a turn towards 19th century London as part of the street slang that amounted to “a long time.”

The following literary reference is in 1869, when, in an autobiographical account of a shipwreck survivor, a man wrote about “that indefinite period known as the ‘blue moon’.” Seven years later, the phrase appeared again, this time without explanation. When discussing diet, a character in an 1871 book admits to eating “a fruit cake once every blue moon.”

On the other hand, the reference to the astronomical phenomenon emerged later in the 1940s, when Sky & Telescope magazine published an article in 1946 entitled “Once every Blue Moon.” The author, James Hugh Pruett (1886-1955), miscalculated according to a 1937 almanac and said: “The second (Full Moon) in a month, as I interpret it, is called the Blue Moon.” It was a mistake, but the nickname stayed forever in popular culture.

Blue moon and spell casting

Lastly, it is valid to acknowledge that this astronomical event has been linked to different astrological, esoteric, and folklore theories, which bestow it with unique and metaphysic powers. That is why during such an event, it is recommended to perform their rituals to honor and take advantage of such a powerful happening.

This blue full moon is related to the culmination and consummation. It is considered an excellent influence to consummate projects, in other words, to make things happen.

Last but not least, this should be a moment of introspection, meditating well on what we want and asking for it with the greatest concentration and strength possible.

Upcoming dates for the next blue moons:
August 21, 2021
– March 2023
– May 2026
– December 2028
– September 2031

High-Priestess Doris