want my lover back

i was in a log distace relationship for 5 amazing years. we ad palnned our marriage our kids and everything. it was so beautiful. Since i was studying law she had to wait to get married. my parents were happy with our realtion but her family was not ok with it at all. they hated me. In order to avoid her family pressure to get married she migrated to australia to buy time 2 years back . We were having sucha wonderful time so true ove such affection care honesty passion. but in September this year smthing happened to me. I told her tht we cant continue becoz of my career. but with 4 dayz i realised my mistake and went back to her. and since then tried to love her more than ever because i had hurt her.i was at my best but she had somewhere drifted away from me. so on 16th november we had a fight as she was not loving me enough. and soince then my life has been literal hell. she has turned so heartless so indifferent to me. i did watever it takes to please long e mails al crying and true emotions biut nothing seems to work. earlier she couldnt see me cryin or in pain. but now i begged cried bleed my heart out but she was so indifferent. she said she wants to be alone and dat she gets annoyed with my calls. so i told her ki i would go out of her life until she calls me back and strts loving me again. i told her tht i would wait for her evn forever. its been 12 days since she has talked to me.and it doesnt seem she is concerned evn. here i am dying every single second. i miss her so much. tars just roll down so frequently.her moemroies her love haunts me like anything. i still love her madly and eant her back. beacuse i know i can do nething for her and i can love her more than anyone.i truely care for her and madly love her. i so badly want her back but she cant se my tears. oh god m so badly bleedin in my heart. i miss her with every single breath. please come back to me. please i cant live without u. i hv considered her as my wife and now i cant love anyone else but her. she has to be mine i wont b of neone forever. i want my love my sweetheart back. i need her love i need her to love me i wanna love her. please wish for me that she comes back. please. i just madly love her. i am a hindu and have prayed to god so many times to help me. please i would do watever it takes to ein my love back.

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