Spell to ease down abdominal pains
I am a wicca and young at that. I just happen to know this great site. So in the hope of helping others find some ancient spells for cure. I would be giving you updates on spells. So watch for it.
Here is a proven spell for stomachache, menstrual cramps, any abdominal pains, or any abdominal related problems. Please take note this is not to cure the pain but to ease it down and make it subside. Sometimes it can completely eradicate the pain. Although the pain maybe gone or may subside this will not however result to cure.
The spell is : ECORAGAT -eh-koh-rah-gat
Procedure: This spell must not be said aloud. Do it in a gentle whisper right at the navel of the one suffering the pain. Say it three times.
Try it and tell me if it works.
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