Luck spell
Luck spell
Lavender oil
A red cloth
Seeds or kernels of your favourite plant
Clary sage Oil
Ivory candle
A pot
Some mud/dirt
Lay a red cloth on the table and arrange the seeds/ kernels at the centre of the cloth. Immerse your hands in lavender and clary sage oils and make sure you spread the oil well all over your hands. Draw a small circle at the base of the cloth with the sawdust and place the ivory candle there. Make sure that the candle aligns perfectly in the north direction. Say the following verse 7 times as you circle the table,
“O heavens above
Bestow thy blessings on me
Make my luck take a round
And increase, once, twice and three folds round.”
Once done take the seeds and plant them in the pot and cover them with dirt properly. Water the pot everyday. As the seeds grow so will your luck.
If the spell doesn’t work, try repeating it again after 15 days and this time take a different set of seeds.
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