Folk Magic: Oatmeal Prosperity Spell
*To show you how to do it, I’m gonna use Love as my example.
*Oatmeal means abundance. Notice that Quacker Oatmeal advertises their oatmeal for a healthy body and lower cholesterol, and it works.
Make oatmeal how you’d usually make it. Stir clockwise for positive energy.
State your objective “I want my love life to prosper” or whatever. Throw 2 sticks of whole cinnamon. 2 for partnership. Also, Cinnamon means power and energy, so it works with your will to power the spell. Throw some sugar as if you’re a fairy sprinkling Magick, do it clockwise. Feel free to add anything else to make it better. And that’s it. Eat it to internalize the magick.
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