This spell is ideal for those who want to end a relationship without having to tell the other person that you no longer want to be with him or her. Often ending a relationship is hard, especially for the person at the receiving end. For those of you that don’t really want to go through that phase of having to see the other person and want to end things in a peaceful way, this spell would probably be your best call.
Materials Required:
A white cord long enough to bind your waist
All you need to do is go to a place where there is flowing water, like a river bed or a beach. A stream or a waterfall would do just fine, what ever is close by and convenient. Make sure you go to this place at a time when it is not too crowded since you will need to concentrate a lot on the spell. The best time would be early dawn before sunrise or late at night when there are not too many people.
Once you have reached the chosen spot and isolated yourself appropriately, sit down at the edge of the water and envision that you and your soon to be ex lover are together at the exact same spot. Your energy needs to be built up to such a level that you can actually feel the person next to you. Then tie the white cord around your waist and then imagine that you are binding your lover with a cord too.
Call out to the God/ Goddess that you believe in and chant the following verse:
O virtuous Lord, I beseech thee
To hear what I need to say completely.
Once together bound by love,
I now choose a path different from the above.
As I cast off my ties of union again
I once again pray to thee
Let my heart and soul be free.
Wrap the cord from your waist after you have said the verse and let it flow in the water. Then turn and walk away without looking back.
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