Materials Required:
Quartz stone (rose)
Rose petals – 6
Witch hazel – 1 bottle
Look at the mirror and analyze what it is about your face that you want to change. Then pick up the quartz stone in your right hand and gently run it over what you feel needs to change in your appearance. As you do this, visualize what you want your features to change into. Chant the following spell:
“Stone that represents all of beauty and love
Modify all my imperfections while I rub
Bring unto me, the face I want and the face I need
The way I like it to be”
Have the bottle of witch hazel opened and then have the stone inserted as well. Using your right hand, take each rose petal one by one and rub it over any unwanted feature like wrinkle, pimples or marks and then drop it in the bottle as well. Remember to invoke Venus, the goddess of love and beauty while you do this. Cork the bottle tightly and shake it six times everyday. Repeat this process for a week. At the end of one week, use the hazel on your face as a toner. For best results use it after a bath.
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