Afraid of the dark

Are you still afraid of the dark? If not, you would likely be really surprised at how many adults experience fear of the dark. Fears are a natural stage of the human development and the fear of the dark is the most common also among adults, both male and female.

In the dark, shadows come alive and can turn into the terrifying monsters which during daylight we succeed to keep invisible.

But this fear is not born with us and kids do not have it until after 2 years. At this age they acquire already scholarly a lot about their surroundings and are experiencing independency and new abilities with an growing rate. At the same time, children are gradually emotionally separating by their mother as a rsubsequent result of their newly conquered independence, but this process can generate anxieties which are expressed by the many fears typical of this age.

Children consider the monsters hidden in the dark as real, because they still cannot distinguish imagination from reality and thus we should never undervalue their conduct and reckon it as a mere tantrum or even be very demanding forcing them to behave normally thus likely making the problem to growth and endure for life.

There isn't any magic recipe to help your children overcoming their fears, mostly because every kid has a different sensitivity and different reactions to the same situation, so that we cannot create a general process.

Probably the best approach is to console them, not getting though overprotective. Then we should analyse what they watch in tv which, even though appropriate for their age, can sometimes lead to tension and nervousness. Examine also their toys because sometimes plush we believe really cute or funny can upset them. Moreover, toys' shadows in the dark can be extremely scary!

Never try to tease them because of their anxiety even though only to minimise the problem, but be positive. Turn on a night light and remain with them a for a while after they get into bed, until their eyes get used to the low night light. You can make them feel veryl happy singing them a lullaby or reading a short, delicate fairy-tale or a nice story. Leave their bedroom before they fall asleep (if they aren't too scared this will help them develop their personality because with your assistance they will understand they can face their fear...) but leave the night light on the whole night (night lights have a low power consumption) so that they will not be afraid in case they wake up before morning.

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